What is the best way to handle a fake reference call during a job interview?

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  • Don’t be afraid, desperate or over confident.
  • Be calm and composed.
  • Once interviewer finishes their question
    • Don’t be in hurry to answer the question
    • First, repeat the question in your mind to ensure you understood the question properly, if not ASK your interviewer to repeat.
    • Sometimes the answer to the question will be asking right questions. If you feel the question is vague, ask as many questions as possible.
    • Think of multiple answers possible and evaluate the best one before presenting it to interviewer (Like algorithm with better complexity etc)
  • Remember this. If you don’t know the answer, think what is the next best thing you can provide to interviewer. For example, let’s say you have experience on some tool X which does a piece of work. And you were asked about tool Y which does similar work but you haven’t worked on this tool Y ever. Now, don’t just say that you haven’t worked on it and finish your answer. Instead say that “I know the tool does this piece of work but didn’t work on it directly. However I have worked on similar tool which almost does the same thing” and try describing the tool with best of your knowledge. Most interviewers want to know if you understood the rationale behind using a particular tool. The same logic applies for any tool/framework/programming languages etc..
  • In the above case, if you literally don’t know anything about what interviewer asked, say that you don’t know about that. Always remember “Nothing is better than Nonsense”.
  • Always ask for the feedback at the end of your interview.

These are some points I have on top of my mind. I will add to the answer if I remember any other useful stuff.

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